- Joined
- Apr 15, 2016
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- 971
A-Team Roleplay Server Update
Our mission statement to you...
A-Team Roleplay is and Always be a community, Where all players will enjoy a wonderful gaming experience. We have and will dedicate our precious time to the community. All the players are equal in the front of ATRP Law, Wheather it's Admin or Management himself. We are looking for quality, Not for quantity. We are looking for Skills, Not for money. We aren't believing in the Past or Future, It's the Present time which is going on and none had seen future. Watch a trailer for one time and we will show you the whole movie here.
The community is being recognised as an A-Team RP since 2016, Founded by Newton Dalton. The reason behind choosing this word is, Creating a Successful community where all players will get a chance which a staff member had got. We believe in a truth, We won't let your hopes die. Therefore, #AteamRoleplay4EVER
Update 1.1.03 Overview
The list below are raw change logs.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Hunted System.
- Fixed Turf System.
- Fixed Mute System.
- Improved /listcarcolors CMD.
- Improved Bandana System.
- Improved Quiz System.
- Improved Anti-Weapon-Hack System.
- Players are no longer able to use anims while in event.
- Fixed Mysql Bugs.
- Fixed a rare bug with /quitfaction and /giverank.
- Fixed a rare bug Unban/Ban CMD.
- Fixed /ip CMD specifier.
- Fixed /picklock CMD.
- Updated MYSQL Plugin.
- Updated Streamer Plugin.
- Updated Includes.
- Fixed many other Minor Bugs.
- Added New Commands for Business: /businessmenu, /mybusiness.
- Added New Commands for Cellphone: /rt, /speakerphone.
- Added Auto Paycheck for Emerald+ Donators.
- Added DM warinings system.
- Added /oadmins for Head Admin+.
- Added /adjust ouninvite for Gang Leaders.
- Added Many other Minor things.
- Added Anti Proaim.
- Added Family Vehicles Mods.
- Added /setcustombandana and /hextodec CMD for gang moderators.
- Added Spas12 Perk for FFC.
- Added Many other minor things.